Saturday, April 3, 2010

...modernism and postmodernism are not entirely different, although have stark differences.

What does the title mean you ask? Just a snippet taken from a paper I've been working on today. What's that? The sentence is trite, trivial and nonsensical and I should delete it and write a new sentence? I'm aware and hardly care enough but my brain is melting and so I'm going to finally get out of the house. But not before writing more trite, trivial and nonsensical nonsense here! However, since my brain is half melted (I really have nothing to be complaining about- I wrote two papers yesterday, almost done with another one today, and then have two more due by tuesday and then I leave for Spain and Italy for two weeks. What's that you say? Shut up your spoiled and lucky and have nothing to complain about just get your work done and then have fun exploring two beautiful countries? Okay.) from writing papers which is difficult since my brain hasn't been in academic thinking mode since roughly about last semester. My writing methods have included such activities as me staring at the computer screen with an expression looking something like this:


or this:


or this:


and then I check facebook 500 times even though nothing new has happened, or I check my email for the 60th time even though I have no new emails or I read blogs or articles or ANYTHING that has NOTHING to do with what my paper is on.

But anyway. Mam and Lizzie left a couple days ago after we had the BEST GURLZ ROAD TRIP EVER (sPriNg BreaK '10 wo0o) and I have stories and pictures and videos up the wazz, but I won't have time to share those until I'm done with my papers (see how responsible I am?) and am back from Spain and Italy. So wait patiently please. Also, I booked a trip to Scotland in May! Hopefully I have time to travel to Prague, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin before I come home but I doooon't know if I will. But then that just means I can wait for another trip. Also, another great cool (or should I say, grool) thing that happened is that I found out that I got the summer research grant that I applied for which means my summer will consist of me living in Burlington, getting paid to read and write, AND most of my friends will be in VT. What's that you say? Best summer ever? More like after these god forsaken papers are done, best LIFE ever. Idk. Sorry. Going now.

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