Saturday, April 24, 2010

I Survived a Volcanic Explosion and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt

Sadly, after 17 days of traveling I did not receive a T-shirt. However, I did make new friends, see new places, eat new foods, learn new things and ultimately had the most unbelievable experience. By new friends I mean the many people I stayed with at the many hostels I called home for a few days at a time (I also think I fell in love at first sight at least 3 times. My theme song during the trip was Roxette's "It Must Have Been Love (But Its Over Now))." By new places I mean Venice, Florence, Rome, Barcelona, Madrid, and the side streets, parks, museums, apartments, cafes, gardens, boardwalks, docks, metro stops, bus stops, and train stations sprinkled throughout each. By new foods I mean dragon fruit, cactus flower, and fois gras (HUUULGH). (That was me evoking a vomit sounding noise). By learn new things I mean, for example, how well I navigate myself through a new city thanks to my newly discovered inner compass and shockingly good sense of direction. I'll humbly admit that I kick ass and take names with a map. Its like I'm the Kanye West of map reading. A little bit cocky but rightfully so. Dare I say, I'm the Cesar Millan of maps- The Map Whisperer. A topographical wizard, as it were. Want to to the Vatican? BAM your'e already there and back and took the scenic route. Lost and looking for David? Don't worry guys let me just get my map, oh wait I don't even need it I'm that good.

I also learned that good company can make a seemingly horrible and frustrating situation perfectly fine. I'm sure you guys watched the aftermath of a practical joke MN pulled on us a few days ago (MN= Mother Nature, keep up with me here):

Mother Nature: Knock knock.
Humanity: Whose there?
Mother Nature: Eyjafjallajokull.
Humanity: Sorry what? Did you sneeze? Ethwjhgojsngejgn!@% who?
Mother Nature: Lol. You guys crack me up. Enjoy finding your way home after this ash cloud seeps its way into your perfectly organized lives and transportation plans.

We first found out about the ash cloud while in Barcelona after we visited the Guell Park and wanted to know how Antonio Gaudi died (freak tram accident), Conor was using his Black Berry to settle our morbid minds and read an email that the heads of our program sent informing us travelers about the explosion. We hardly batted an eyelash as we thought there was no way it would affect us. Silly, stupid mortals. Of course it would. It would spread and settle and infiltrate its way pretty much all across Europe, stranding thousands and frustrating even more, as everyone's parents and professors grew worried for our well being and safe return. We were able to fly to Madrid, which was supposed to be the last leg of our 2 week vacation, and what was supposed to be 3 days ended up being 8. I felt like a cartoon character being followed like a shadow by a thick, ominous gray cloud; once they smugly think they finally got a way, the sonofagun cloud pours and soaks them to the core. When we found out that our return flight to Ireland was canceled, our friends rallied against the imminent cloud hanging above our heads, not an ash cloud, but just a cloud of gray gloom which turns a good mood into a bad one and ruins appetites. Food was ordered, wine was poured laughs were had and somehow last minute plans to get back to Ireland 5 days later were made. The ordeal made us a tight little family, and now leaving in two weeks is an even sadder prospect after this.

We passed the time by hanging out in Parque del Buen Retiro everyday, picnicking, reading aloud to each other from Witches of Eastwick, giving each other haircuts, and eating ice cream. Although we wanted nothing more than to be in Ireland enjoying the good weather with our friends, I kept reminding myself that there much much much worse things in the world than being stuck in Madrid for a few days.

I also learned that the world is so much smaller than I could have ever imagined. This might have been attributed to the fact that since I had my traveling eyes on and was taking in everything wide eyed and observantly, I ran into at least 5 people I know and countless people I had seen on a bus or train or plane which delighted me to no end. Like, what are the CHANCES that right after I try getting in touch with my only friend staying in Florence (but of course our phones won't connect) I run into her on the street? What are the odds that I run into Sam, who I have barely seen since Israel, at the same museum? Who would have ever thought that I would brush shoulders with a girl I went to high school with while running to catch a train to Rome? These encounters won't stop blowing my mind. Especially because there are so many that happened within the past few days.

I also learned that people rule. But then sometimes they don't. Take for example, Susan Rogers, a Spanish high school teacher from New York. We met her while waiting online to get our money refunded from the bull fight that was canceled. (Talk about major bummer. Although we were apprehensive and sad for the bull's imminent death, it would have been such a cool experience but WHATTA YA KNOW a RAIN CLOUD ruined it). Anyhow, if it weren't for the rain cloud we would not have met Susie, who bestowed lots of Spanish knowledge, shared great tidbits of information and words to the wise, as well as acting as a much needed mom-like figure all of needed in the midst of the ash cloud (she even gave us her number, the doll). Then again, there are people like the ones who sat behind us on the overnight bus from Madrid to Barcelona, who kept us up. The entire. Time. A sleepless 7 hour bus ride can really spoil a mood, especially when caused by four loud disgusting drunken men. I think I felt my blood actually boil. I wished desperately that I knew how to say anything besides "Hola" and "Gracias" because there was so much I wanted to scream I mean say to them.

But I am finally finally finally back in Ireland and it feels so good to be in my own bed. Although, I really do miss our hostel in Madrid, which was like someone's apartment about 20 people happened to be staying in. They would play records all day and it was so cozy and I want to live there. But nothing beats here. And I'm sure nothing will beat when I'm home home. But anyway, I need to go to the market and catch up with friends but I will give actual details about the trip later. Hope everyone is as happy and cozy as I am now!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

...modernism and postmodernism are not entirely different, although have stark differences.

What does the title mean you ask? Just a snippet taken from a paper I've been working on today. What's that? The sentence is trite, trivial and nonsensical and I should delete it and write a new sentence? I'm aware and hardly care enough but my brain is melting and so I'm going to finally get out of the house. But not before writing more trite, trivial and nonsensical nonsense here! However, since my brain is half melted (I really have nothing to be complaining about- I wrote two papers yesterday, almost done with another one today, and then have two more due by tuesday and then I leave for Spain and Italy for two weeks. What's that you say? Shut up your spoiled and lucky and have nothing to complain about just get your work done and then have fun exploring two beautiful countries? Okay.) from writing papers which is difficult since my brain hasn't been in academic thinking mode since roughly about last semester. My writing methods have included such activities as me staring at the computer screen with an expression looking something like this:


or this:


or this:


and then I check facebook 500 times even though nothing new has happened, or I check my email for the 60th time even though I have no new emails or I read blogs or articles or ANYTHING that has NOTHING to do with what my paper is on.

But anyway. Mam and Lizzie left a couple days ago after we had the BEST GURLZ ROAD TRIP EVER (sPriNg BreaK '10 wo0o) and I have stories and pictures and videos up the wazz, but I won't have time to share those until I'm done with my papers (see how responsible I am?) and am back from Spain and Italy. So wait patiently please. Also, I booked a trip to Scotland in May! Hopefully I have time to travel to Prague, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Berlin before I come home but I doooon't know if I will. But then that just means I can wait for another trip. Also, another great cool (or should I say, grool) thing that happened is that I found out that I got the summer research grant that I applied for which means my summer will consist of me living in Burlington, getting paid to read and write, AND most of my friends will be in VT. What's that you say? Best summer ever? More like after these god forsaken papers are done, best LIFE ever. Idk. Sorry. Going now.